SEEIIST Association, Rue de Battoirs 7, c/o PKF Fiduciaire SA, 1205 Geneva Switzerland
Recent News
Election of the Chair of the SEEIIST Association Board
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 28 September 2021 — The 7th General Assembly meeting of the SEEIIST Association (Association for the Support of the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies) took place online on 28 September 2021. The main topic of the meeting was the election of the new Chair of the Read More…
ESFRI 2021: Shaping Science in South East Europe by enhancing Europe’s innovation capacity in Cancer research
The next important step for the development of SEEIIST is to launch the project on the ESFRI Roadmap to assure its pan-European label. We are proud that the SEEIIST past the eligibility test and that we got the chance for a Hearing. The Proposal Coordinator of the SEEIIST@ESFRI application, Dr. Sanja Read More…
HITRIplus (5MEUR) has started: SEEIIST is a beneficiary partner
SEEIIST, as a Beneficiary partner, will strongly benefit in terms of finalizing the Design phase. During the meeting Sanja Damjanovic has been elected chairperson of the General Assembly as Representative of the SEEIIST Association. HITRIplus has gathered a consortium engaging all relevant stakeholders and for the first time bringing together all four European ion therapy centers with leading EU Read More…
8TH Steering Committee Meeting of the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, March 12 — The 8th Steering Committee meeting of the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST) took place online last Friday, March 12, 2021, chaired by Prof. Herwig Schopper, advisory Member of the SEEIIST Read More…
CERN Courier: CERN takes next step for hadron therapy
Complete text you can find on link:
General Assembly of the SEEIIST Association
We are happy to announce the Annual General Assembly of the SEEIIST Association on Friday, 11th December 2020.
SEEIIST@FRONTIERS in Physics – Section Medical Physics and Imaging
We are happy that a SEEIIST manuscript has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Physics. FRONTIERS ranks as the 5th most-cited publisher. The SEEIIST publication is available under the following link: Front. Phys. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.567466
HITRIplus proposal has been approved
The evaluation outcome of the EU H2020-INFRAIA-2020 Call is now published. We are very pleased that our proposal HITRIplus has been approved. It was among the most highly evaluated applications.
SEEIIST@ESFRI Roadmap 2021 – we have applied
Thanks to the strong international and political support the SEEIIST Project managed to apply for the ESFRI Roadmap 2021. Our Scientific domain is Health research. The SEEIIST Project is an Accelerator-based infrastructure for Cancer Therapy and Biomedical Research with Heavy Ion Beams. It is targeting one of the largest social Read More…
ENLIGHT for SEEIIST Conference
The European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy (ENLIGHT) is organizing a special conference dedicated to the SEEIIST Project. Among the speakers are extraordinary figures in the field of this most modern and most powerful method to treat Cancer with ion beams. All the information about the conference, including the Read More…