SEEIIST Association, Rue de Battoirs 7, c/o PKF Fiduciaire SA, 1205 Geneva Switzerland

Month: April 2021

ESFRI 2021: Shaping Science in South East Europe by enhancing Europe’s innovation capacity in Cancer research

The next important step for the development of SEEIIST is to launch the project on the ESFRI Roadmap to assure its pan-European label. We are proud that the SEEIIST past the eligibility test and that we got the chance for a Hearing. The Proposal Coordinator of the SEEIIST@ESFRI application, Dr. Sanja Read More…

HITRIplus (5MEUR) has started: SEEIIST is a beneficiary partner

SEEIIST, as a Beneficiary partner, will strongly benefit in terms of finalizing the Design phase. During the meeting Sanja Damjanovic has been elected chairperson of the General Assembly as Representative of the SEEIIST Association.   HITRIplus has gathered a consortium engaging all relevant stakeholders and for the first time bringing together all four European ion therapy centers with leading EU Read More…