Pursuant to Article 4 of the Declaration of Intent (DoI) relating to the Establishment of the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST), a Steering Committee (SC) was set up in December 2017 by the Signatory Parties with the mandate “to prepare and assess the necessary steps towards the establishment of the Institute”. It defines activities and designs policies with the purpose of the establishment of the SEEIIST.
The Rules of procedure were adopted at the first SC meeting, held on 30 January 2018 in Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria).
According to the Rules of Procedures, SC is composed of two delegates from each Signatory Party of the DoI.
It has Chair and a Co-Chair, elected by the Committee amongst the delegates with two years term of office.
SC has meetings at least twice a year.
Chairperson of the SC is Prof. Leandar Litov, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ (Bulgaria).