The next important step for the development of SEEIIST is to launch the project on the ESFRI Roadmap to assure its pan-European label. We are proud that the SEEIIST past the eligibility test and that we got the chance for a Hearing. The Proposal Coordinator of the SEEIIST@ESFRI application, Dr. Sanja Damjanovic, together with renown scientists and part of the authors of the RI Proposals, Prof. Ugo Amaldi (initiator of CNAO in Pavia, TERA Foundation) and Dr. Maurizio Vretenar (CERN), took part at the ESFRI Hearing.
We very much hope that the SEEIIST will soon become the first RI on the ESFRI Roadmap, in line with the topic of Cancer research which is presently absent from the Research Infrastructure landscape.