The Fourth meeting of the SEEIIST Steering Committee was held at the premises of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna on 27 November 2018.
The welcome addresses was given by the Heads of two IAEA Depertments, Mr. Dazhu Yang (Deparment for Technical Cooperation) and Mr. Aldo Malavasi (Department for Nuclear Sciences and Applications).
The main topics of the meeting were the following: ongoing activities on setting up the Preparatory Group for the SEEIIST Design Study Phase thanks to the first financial support by the European Commission DG RTD; discussion on the nomination of the Coordinator of the SEEIIST Executive Committee; discussion on present and future project applications for the Capacity building related to SEEIIST.
An important outcome of the meeting was appointment of Dr. Horst Wenninger as the coordinator of the SEEIIST Preparatory Group.
For the first time the SEEIIST SC Meeting had an Open session, attended by representatives of the IAEA, the European Commission DG RTD, CERN, FAIR-GSI and the TIARA Consortium. This was a great opportunity to present the present status of the SEEIIST project, bringing up-to-date all the relevant International Organizations and Institutions.
Dr. Sanja Damjanovic, Minister of Science of Montenegro and Chairperson of the SEEIIST Steering Committee, moderated the meeting.
The background for hosting the SEEIIST SC meeting at the IAEA was related to the willingness expressed by the IAEA already at the Forum in the ICTP in Trieste to support the SEEIIST via a Capacity Building Program. The IAEA strongly contributed to the success of the SESAME project to build local capacity. Soon we expect the very first financial support from the IAEA for the capacity building programme which is very much appreciated.