SEEIIST Association, Rue de Battoirs 7, c/o PKF Fiduciaire SA, 1205 Geneva Switzerland
Recent News
Breakthrough for SEEIIST: Memorandum of Cooperation signed by six Prime Ministers of the Region
The sixth Summit of the Berlin Process was held this year at Poznan, Poland. It was this time of exceptional importance for the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST). A Memorandum of Cooperation on the establishment of the SEEIIST Project was signed by six Prime Ministers of Read More…
The Fifth meeting of the SEEIIST Steering Committee was held on 27 June 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnian and Herzegovina
The Fifth meeting of the SEEIIST Steering Committee was held on 27 June 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnian and Herzegovina, at the premises of the Council of Ministers. The welcome address was given by Mr. Suvad Dzafic, Assistant Minister for Science and Culture, Ministry of Civil Affairs. The meeting started with Read More…