The sixth Summit of the Berlin Process was held this year at Poznan, Poland. It was this time of exceptional importance for the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST). A Memorandum of Cooperation on the establishment of the SEEIIST Project was signed by six Prime Ministers of the Region, implying a breakthrough for the South East European economies.
The first political support of the project was the signature of the Declaration of Intent by the Ministers of Science/corresponding Ministers on 25 October 2017 at CERN, Geneva. The serious efforts spent since then, with much progress both on the political and the scientific scene thanks to the dedication of the SEEIIST SC, and the explicit support of the EC DG-RTD, CERN and FAIR-GSI, have moved the Project very much forward. This testifies the fact that South East Europe, part of which is the Western Balkans, steadily progresses towards EU standards.